Daniel Craig Shakes and Stirs James Bond Films

From a school production of Oliver! to the new James Bond movie, Quantum of Solace. Daniel Craig has come a long way and have covered many acting turf. Many believed that Craig has replaced Jude Law as the world's favourite British heart throb actor. Recently dubbed as one of the sexiest men alive, and the best dressed man in Britain, he has become more popular than ever and is taking the movie world by storm.

His filmography includes recognized flicks such as Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, Road to Perdition, The golden Compass, Layercake, the Invasion along with Casino Royal and Quantam of Solace.

Some of the wonderful and beatiful talent that has crossed the screen with Daniel have included Nicole Kidman, Angelina Jolie, and Gyneth Paltrow. There's some A-1 stars to back him up.

There have been some critiques on the lack of bedroom scenes and the obvious disappearance of the everyone's favourite gadet man, Q. I think Miss Moneypenny was on vacation too. Some would argue that Bond films just aren't Bond films without Ian Flemings entertaining imagination highlighted throughout. I tend to agree as it was his imagination that got all this rolling. That said, it is an excellent rendition of Bonds finest hours and somehow more true to life and believable. I saw the film twice and would happily watch it again.

Let's get down to some finer points such as signature statements. I noticed two of 007's signature noticable by their absence. If you picked up "shaken, not stirred" or "Bond, James Bond", then you've got better hearing than me. As I understand it, they were actually shot on film but were edited out for artistic reasons.

You'll be seeing more of theis great actor as he heads toward Bond Film number 25. Yes, Craig has signed up for the next three James Bond films.

Interestingly, when Craig was queried as to who he believed would make a good 007, he recommended one of the Royal family as a fine sample of a glorified spy and inferred that he was suave and has a sense of danger about him. Daniel Craig isn't royalty but most fans agree that he's exciting, talented, wealthy, handsome and ticks all the right boxes. Many place a lot of emphasis on how well he dresses for the role. Note: they are promising more hot and steamy bedroom scenes in upcoming James Bond films.

About the Author:

Publisher and author Billy Baker covers many celebrity, movie, and musical events and has supplied more detail for you to read on Daniel Craig.

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Daniel Craig Shakes and Stirs James Bond Films

Daniel Craig, Casino Royale, The Golden Compass, Quantum Of Solace, James Bond Movies, New James Bond Movie, James Bond Film, Layercake